Ivan Todorovic

Ivan Todorovic

Teaching assistant

Ivan Todorović works at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. From 2011 to 2013 he was a visiting lecturer at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia. His field of expertise includes organizational design, organizational change, leadership, restructuring, business process management, business model development, and entrepreneurship. He completed postgraduate courses at the IEDC Bled School of Management in Slovenia and at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. As a business consultant, he was engaged in some of the largest companies in Serbia such as HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel, PC EPS, Elixir Group, EMS JSC, Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA), Milšped Group, PUC GSP Belgrade, PUC Parking Service Belgrade, LUKOWA, Victoria Group, NIS Gazprom Neft, PC Transnafta, etc. He was also hired as a local expert on several projects financed by the international institutions like EBRD, UNIDO, and USAID. As a consultant or mentor he has supported numerous start-up companies. He is also a member of the mentoring team in the Case Study Club, the largest student management consulting organization in Southeast Europe which prepares student teams for the international case study competitions. As a participant of such competitions, he was a member of the team that won HULT Global Case Challenge 2012 in London, and he won Balkan Case Challenge 2010 in Vienna. As a trainer for business presentation design and presentation skills, he has worked in various international companies such as Actavis Teva, NIS Gazprom Neft, Rio Tinto, etc.

All Sessions by Ivan Todorovic

14:00 - 15:30

Management Skills - Delivering Business Solutions

To learn how to structure a business presentation and point the most important content and to develop the presentation skills. Business people, despite their activity or hierarchical level, often need to deliver certain content to different target groups, which can be their managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients, or a wider audience outside the organization. If the way of presenting and the presentation itself are not adequately prepared, it often happens that the message is not conveyed completely, or that it is perceived incorrectly. That is why preparing a good business presentation is an extremely important and useful skill for most people in modern business environment, and for some of then it is even necessary for successfully completing their tasks. Participants of this active workshop will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the concepts of preparing and structuring a good business presentation and to develop their presentation skills, which will help them deliver their business solutions appropriately.